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来源:本站 日期:2014-03-27点击:

主讲人:Dr. Kit Lam

Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

University of California Davis

题目:From combinatorial chemistry to nanotechnology to cancer medicine

简介:Dr. Lam is acclaimed for his pioneering role in the field of combinatorial chemistry and developing the novel one-bead-one-compound technology, which rapidly screens millions of chemicals at one time to identify those that bind to diseased cells. He is also an expert in chemical biology, drug development, molecular imaging, nanotherapeutics and medical oncology. His laboratory is engaged in the development and application of combinatorial library methods for basic research and drug discovery.

主讲人:Dr. Wenbin Deng

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

University of California Davis

题目:Stem Cells for Neural Regeneration

简介:The Deng laboratory conducts basic and translational stem cell and neuroscience research. A central theme of his research program has been on pursuing links between genes, gene products, and pathological processes in the context of the biology of neurons and glia, and their stem cells. His research entails the use of combined molecular/cellular and systems approaches applied to in vitro and in vivo models.

时间: 2014331日(星期一)上午 1000开始

地点: 武汉大学医学部三楼国际报告厅
